The Informed Patient, podacast on health, science and medicine


 Journal looks at world through poetry, essays, artworks

Journal looks at world through poetry, essays, artworks


Interview with Deirdre Neilen, 博士学位, editor of 治愈的缪斯

Ombudsmen deal with problems in nursing homes, assisted living facilities

Ombudsmen deal with problems in nursing homes, assisted living facilities


Interview with Rebecca Alder of Arise Child and Family Services

War,  political and social instability play a part

War, political and social instability play a part


哈尼族Aiash, MD, 博士学位, has looked into Iraq’s mental health crisis and discusses how it is similar to the crisis in the United States, along with some possible solutions.

Heart condition means adjusting to the limits of a 'new normal'

Heart condition means adjusting to the limits of a 'new normal'


Interview with Natasha Zmitrowitz, RN, and Ashley Greiner

New mothers can get help, advice on nursing their baby

New mothers can get help, advice on nursing their baby


Interview with Jayne Charlamb, MD, and nurse Michele Dwyer

Working out can reduce disease's spread and recurrence

Working out can reduce disease's spread and recurrence


Interview with Kaushal Nanavati, MD, director of integrative medicine and cancer survivorship

The short answer: There's no quick fix for obesity

The short answer: There's no quick fix for obesity


Interview with Timothy Shope, MD, chief of bariatric surgery

Factors include age, personality, time spent online

Factors include age, personality, time spent online


Interview with Hilary Gamble, MD, child and adolescent psychiatrist

There's more than a flu shot to consider as winter approaches

There's more than a flu shot to consider as winter approaches


Interview with Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy, MD, chief of infectious disease

Patients, parents and doctors deal with flood of online information 

Patients, parents and doctors deal with flood of online information 


Interview with pediatric cancer specialist Amy Caruso Brown, MD

 Daily use can have unintended long-term consequences

Daily use can have unintended long-term consequences


Interview with Brian Johnson, MD, and Yanli Zhang-James, MD, 博士学位

Procedure to establish a cause of death can yield useful information

Procedure to establish a cause of death can yield useful information


Pathologist Robert Stoppacher, MD who oversees the University Hospital Autopsy Service explains the value of seeking a cause of death and what's involved.

Specialists check for compatibility of donors and recipients

Specialists check for compatibility of donors and recipients


Interview with Reut Hod Dvorai, 博士学位, director of the histocompatibility lab

Today's menus reflect varied diets, demand for more options

Today's menus reflect varied diets, demand for more options


Interview with Eric Adams and Daniel Ellithorpe E on how menus are crafted and the variety of food options offered.

Uncommon cancer primarily strikes young men, can be cured

Uncommon cancer primarily strikes young men, can be cured


Interview with urologist Hanan Goldberg, MD who was part of a team that investigated the characteristics of men with testicular cancer.

Pandemic, evolving abortion laws mirror content shifts

Pandemic, evolving abortion laws mirror content shifts


Interview with advertising expert Rebecca Ortiz, 博士学位, of Syracuse University

Designation is part of an overall push for sustainability

Designation is part of an overall push for sustainability


推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s sustainability manager, Paul Corsi explains why sustainability matters, especially to a health care institution.